Membres ESTIA Recherche

Mise à jour le 29 janvier 2024


Professeur assistant

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Guillaume Terrasson received the M.S. degrees in Microelectronics and the Ph.D degrees in Electronics from the University of Bordeaux 1, France, in 2004 and 2008 respectively. The Ph.D. was obtained in collaboration with the ESTIA Engineering School, Bidart, France and the TIMA laboratory, Grenoble, France. Since 2008, he is a researcher at ESTIA RECHERCHE. Qualified in sections CNU in 2010 (French Universities National Council) n°63 (electrical engineering, electronics, photonics and systems), his research interests include critical embedded systems as well as Wireless Sensor Networks. He participates in many collaborative European and National programs like H2020 and has also managed, for ESTIA, some of these programs like Interreg POCTEFA AGRIPIR and MONNA.

Activités actuelles

Co-resp, axe de recherche THS
Responsable UE REA du Bachelor de Technologie
Responsable Projet Génie Electronique en CI1A
Membre du conseil de laboratoire


Les publications de Guillaume TERRASSON

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